Get real-time visibility into every customer order
Maintaining an accurate view of inventory and being responsive to customer orders is essential to any business. Orders come in from all channels - online, phone, in store. Being able to quickly see all orders, across all channels, and take action is essential to maximizing customer promises and reducing the financial impacts of lost or non-productive inventory.
No More Spreadsheets
Eliminate the need for spreadsheets and make your order system more efficient. This will save you time and money making your business run smoother.
Accurate, up to the minute inventory views
Gain visibility and track orders from inception to delivery. Have better control on revenue, inventory and delivery, ensuring the customers get what they need, when they need it.
Enable the value chain
Gain access and connect with other buyers or sellers across the value chain. Expand your product offering and profitability

Sales Target
Set and manage sales targets easily. Keep you and your sales team focused on achieving your sales goals.
Multi-Channel Order Management
Expand your business with our order management system that supports a variety of options for customers to make their orders - such as walk-in, online, phone or with field sales Agent.
Multi-Channel payment
Understand and act on changes in the market as they occur – to perfectly balance the processes of protecting margins, utilizing store capacity and meeting delivery expectations.
Customized Webshop
Create an instant customisable online store on every items as desired, with the companys’ or partner products
Access real time data and enable better communication with customers today